Learn Amp Blog

6 Top Ways to Support Work-Life Balance

Written by Matthew Jeffries, Chief Product Officer | Oct 7, 2024 6:00:00 AM

Keen to help your team achieve a better work-life balance? In this blog, we share 6 top tips to help foster a happier, more productive workplace. From offering flexible working to boosting wellbeing initiatives, to setting clear boundaries and equipping your team with tools to make them more resilient. At Learn Amp, we believe that when you support your people holistically, both personally and professionally, everyone benefits. Ready to learn how to make work-life balance a greater priority in your workplace?

Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance has never been more critical than it is today. As the lines between work and personal life blur, especially with the rise of remote and hybrid working models, it’s essential for both individuals and organisations to prioritise this balance to ensure wellbeing, productivity, and long-term success.

At Learn Amp, we believe that a thriving work-life balance isn’t just a perk – it’s a necessity. Here are six top ways you can help create a healthier balance in your workplace.

1. Offer Flexible Working Options

The days of rigid 9-to-5 schedules are becoming a thing of the past and for good reason. Offering flexibility in working hours or even a hybrid working model can help employees manage their responsibilities more effectively. Flexibility allows people to work at times when they are most productive, all while accommodating their personal needs.

By providing employees with autonomy over their schedules, you foster trust and empower them to create a routine that works best for their lifestyle. Flexibility isn’t just about when or where employees work, but also how they work best.

What You Can Do

Introduce core hours with flexibility around start and end times. Allow employees to tailor their working day to fit around their personal commitments.

Moving to a hybrid workplace: A practical guide

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2. Encourage Wellbeing Initiatives

A balanced work-life environment is deeply connected to the wellbeing of your team. People who feel their wellbeing is a priority of their employers are not only happier, but more engaged and productive. Make employee wellbeing a central part of your culture by introducing initiatives like wellness programmes, access to mental health resources, and even regular mindfulness sessions.

Beyond just physical health, consider the mental and emotional wellbeing of your team. Supporting mental health, encouraging regular breaks, and reducing stress-inducing practices go a long way in helping employees feel valued and cared for.

What You Can Do

Promote regular breaks and establish wellbeing programmes such as fitness challenges or mental health days. Show that it’s okay to step away and recharge.

3. Create Boundaries Around Work Time

One of the key challenges to maintaining work-life balance, particularly in remote or hybrid setups, is the temptation to be constantly available. Without clear boundaries, employees may feel pressured to check emails late into the night or respond to messages on weekends.

Create a culture that respects personal time and encourages employees to fully disconnect when they’re off the clock. When teams feel secure in taking personal time without the fear of missing out or being penalised, they’ll return to work feeling more refreshed and focused.

What You Can Do

Encourage employees to mute notifications outside of working hours and to focus on impact, rather than just time worked.

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4. Promote the Importance of Taking Time Off

It’s easy to think that staying glued to work is the best way to get ahead, but the opposite is true. Employees who regularly take time off are more likely to maintain high productivity and avoid burnout. But sometimes, people need a nudge to use their leave.

Encourage employees to take regular vacations and personal days – and make it clear that it’s not only acceptable but expected. A well-rested team is a happier, more innovative team, and time off is an investment in long-term productivity.

What You Can Do

Regularly remind your team to take advantage of their annual leave, and normalise taking time off by actively using your own.

5. Support Balanced Career Development

Career growth should never come at the expense of personal wellbeing. However, many employees feel the pressure to push themselves beyond healthy limits to succeed. Instead of fostering a culture of overworking, show that career progression and balance can go hand in hand.

Offer professional development opportunities that allow employees to grow without burning out, such as part-time courses, flexible learning schedules, or mentoring programmes. Career advancement should be sustainable, not something that leads to exhaustion.

What You Can Do

Introduce learning and development programmes that allow employees to grow at their own pace, without the fear of falling behind in their personal lives.

6. Provide Knowledge and Tools to manage stress

Work-life balance isn’t just about managing time—it's also about managing stress effectively. Equip your team with the right tools and resources to handle stress, both in and outside of work. Offering stress management workshops, providing access to mindfulness apps, or introducing relaxation techniques into your employees' days can help employees develop skills to maintain their balance under pressure.

By empowering employees to understand and manage their stress levels, you’ll create a healthier, more resilient team. Reducing stress doesn’t just improve wellbeing—it also enhances focus, creativity, and job satisfaction.

What You Can Do

Host regular sessions on stress management techniques, such as meditation and breathing exercises, or time management strategies, and give employees access to resources like wellness apps or online training.

In summary...

At Learn Amp, we understand that work-life balance is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It requires a thoughtful, tailored approach that meets the unique needs of each employee. By implementing flexible working practices, prioritising wellbeing, setting clear boundaries, supporting balanced career development and even equipping your team with the knowledge to manage stress, organisations can cultivate an environment where both personal and professional lives thrive.

Balancing work and life isn’t just about making time for both – it’s about creating an ecosystem that allows your team to succeed at work without sacrificing their personal fulfilment too. When we achieve that balance, everyone wins.