While the COVID-19 pandemic may be on the wane, the transformations to the global workplace have become the new normal. The accelerated shift to remote and hybrid workspaces, combined with the ‘Great Reshuffle’1 pose major challenges for HR and L&D teams, and for the future of learning and development.
In this webinar, in discussion with ATD Kansas City2, I share insights from our experience at Learn Amp, and explore:
- the impact on businesses from a people and L&D perspective;
- the emerging trends in learning and development; and
- how businesses can benefit from these changes to continue to attract, develop and retain great talent in the new normal.
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How has the pandemic impacted business?
In 2021 alone, 47.8m US workers quit their jobs3, and globally, 74% say they are re-evaluating their employment4. In the webinar, we discuss the reasons why this has happened, in particular, the facts that employees are:
- reflecting on their career paths, skill sets and professional growth
- more confident in considering new options and alternatives
- in search of more flexibility in how and where they work5
- not enjoying, or engaged in, their work6.
We also discuss the impact of these shifts, including:
- the challenges of digital transformation
- the costs of rehiring, and of posts sitting vacant
- shortfalls in productivity as new hires get up to speed
- the wasted expense of onboarding and training resources if new hires leave before completing their first year
- the rapid increase in industry wages, as companies battle to attract the best talent7.
What are the current trends?
In the webinar, we discuss some of the major post-pandemic trends we at Learn Amp have seen:
Accelerating change in L&D: Companies in every sector are moving to hybrid and dispersed working. This increases the demand for new and improved skills, which puts additional pressure on L&D departments.
A shift towards decentralised L&D: Businesses are taking more stock of the knowledge assets across the business. By devolving more accountability for L&D to teams and individuals, L&D teams can act more as facilitators.
Increased risk and regulation: With increase in remote and hybrid working, the risk of employee error increases. As a result, companies need to engage learners in strengthening risk management across the board.
A need to re-evaluating the tech stack: Having introduced new tech solutions to meet these changing needs and expectations, there is now a greater need for companies to consolidate their LMS or LXP systems. As the employee experience is increasingly recognised as a vital strategic objective, having the right technology to deliver a holistic employee experience is a major priority.
What should you offer your employees?
Employees are attracted by the learning opportunities that employees offer and the skills they can develop with the company. As a result, the quality of those programs your company offers is central to developing and retaining talent.
In the webinar, we offer some key actions L&D can take to refocus your company’s EPV, including:
redesigning onboarding for blended, hybrid-friendly learning that improves productivity and retention
aligning individual and organisation priorities with regular upskilling/reskilling
redesigning roles for flexibility
giving more autonomy and helping new hires self-drive their own development
maximising the employee lifetime value (ELV) through progression pathways, retraining and other opportunities to learn and develop
ensuring knowledge retention, so that the value added by employees doesn’t leave the company when employees eventually do.
If you are concerned about keeping your employees and keeping them engaged, this webinar will provide you with key tips to adapt to the new normal.
How a People Development Platform can help
Learn Amp’s integrated learning suite improves the employee experience and drives higher performance and retention, which produces business results and growth.
In this webinar, I illustrate how an all-in-one, user-centred platform helps deliver an enhanced employee experience by supporting the key steps of the employee journey:
- Induction & onboarding
- Alignment with management
- Performance and talent development
- Progression pathways
I also demonstrate how we have been adapting our product and roadmap to:
decentralise L&D, by empowering employees to drive their own learning pathways
harness and collate expert knowledge from across the organisation
cultivate a social community of engaged learners
Learn Amp combines the best features of an LMS with user-focused LXP tools, so that both L&D and employees can build a holistic learning ecosystem.
To discover how Learn Amp can help you attract, develop and retain talent post-pandemic, download the webinar below.
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[1] https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/02/great-reshuffle-jobs-market-resignation/
[3] https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/01/roughly-47-million-people-quit-their-job-last-year.html
[4] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/great-re-evaluation-what-your-next-job-right-where-you-lamoreaux/
[5] https://www.accenture.com/us-en/insights/consulting/future-work?c=acn_glb_talentandorganimediarelations_12163686&n=mrl_0521