Risk & Compliance
6 minute read

Why you should be using a digital platform for compliance training

When employees hear whisper of mandatory compliance training, they groan. It's often a dull process that cuts in to their valuable working hours and, often, they find it difficult to see how the training will benefit them.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

Investing in digital tools, such as a next-gen learning platform, to conduct your compliance training comes with a whole heap of benefits that are sure to make your employees cheer.

Why compliance needs to be digitalised

The 2019 GDPR Small Business Survey found that almost half of all small businesses aren't GDPR compliant, with many respondents admitting they weren't sure how to comply with regulations1.

But failure to comply with regulations can have serious repercussions for your business.

EE was fined £100,000 in 2019 for failure to comply with GDPR compliance laws2, while British Airways was fined a record £183 million for a data breach in 2018 which affected half a million of their customers3

You can avoid the fines and the damage to your reputation by using a next-gen learning platform to manage the risk and ensure your employees are getting the right training, as and when they need it.

compliance_reportingThe right tools can allow you to assign tasks to users and then set that task to occur, automatically, at your chosen interval.

This means that once the task has been set, the risk of forgetting to assign any mandatory compliance training has been avoided.

A digital platform can also enable comprehensive reporting allowing you quickly identify which individuals or teams haven't completed any tasks and send reminders to them instantly.

With potentially millions of pounds on the line, using a digital tool to automate and monitor compliance training is the way forward.

What are the benefits for your employees?

Studies have shown that using a blend of both in-person and digital methods for training has its benefits4, but there are some instances - such as compliance training - where using a digital platform reaps the best results. 

Saves time

Research has shown there is direct link between digitalising the compliance training process and the time spent on it. 

Organisations that make use of digital learning platforms spent almost ten hours less a week on compliance related activities, than those who don't5.

Gone are the days of 'one size fits all' approach to learning. Using the right next-gen learning platform can help recoup even more time.

Learn Amp, for example, allows you to set compliance related surveys and assessments for your employees. Once they've passed the assessment and demonstrated the right level of knowledge, the employee can then be assigned a new course of learning that sits at a more appropriate level.

This allows HR to track what each employee is learning, and if the knowledge is being retained, but also ensures employees aren't wasting time going over material they already know.

Enables 'on demand' learning

One of the biggest benefits of using a next-gen learning platform for your compliance training is the freedom it gives your employees to take charge of their own learning.

Employees can create and customise learning pathways themselves to identify and address areas where they feel they need the extra push without having to wait for a HR sign-off.

You can also use a digital learning platform to upload best practice guidelines, making sure your employees have them on hand as and when they need them, instead of having to draw on memories from in-person training programmes. 

Puts things into context

Not only do humans learn best when we're in a community, but our ability and desire to learn skyrockets when things are put into context.

Your employees need context and understanding of why this particular piece of compliance training is important. They need to know, from the very beginning, what the impacts of making a mistake - or falling foul of the law - could have on themselves and the business.

Consider the following two topics:

  • Compliance training
  • Understanding and reducing data risk

The first topic could encompass everything from password security to GDPR rules and regulations.

The second topic, on the other hand, is specific and lets your employees know, immediately, what they're going to learn about.

Learn Amp, for example, allows you to create learning pathways and courses with apt names in order to provide learning in context to allow employees to better understand and mitigate the risks that may arise.

compliance_contentCompliance training will always be a necessary part of the employee experience, but it doesn't have to be time consuming ordeal.

Investing in the right digital tools will not only save your employees time and encourage self-driven learning, but also ensure compliance training is completed without resulting in risk to your organisation.


To find out how Learn Amp can help improve compliance training in your organisation, download our webinar on risk and compliance below

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1. GDPR EU Small Business Survey

2. ICO | EE Fined For Sending Unlawful Text Messages

3. BBC | British Airways Faces £183m Fine For Data Breach

4. Virtual College | Benefits Of Using Digital Learning

5. Workforce Institute | HR and Payroll Compliance Is Risky Business