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How to use the Fosway 9-Grid™ when selecting your new Learning System

Learn Amp has been named an accelerating  'Core Challenger' by Fosway Group in 2025, following its independent analysis of the Learning Systems Market. But what does this mean?

According to Fosway Group, 9-GRID is the only market analysis model that is used to understand the relative position of solutions and providers in the learning and talent systems market. [1]

Fosway note that “a key difference of the 9-Grid™ to other analyst models, is that all of the nine zones have value.” So, if each position has its merits, how can you determine which Learning System is right for your business?

How is a position on the 9-GRID determined?

There are five dimensions to Fosway Group’s 9-Grid™ [1] model:

  • Potential – the solution’s scope and sophistication
  • Performance – comprising market performance and customer performance
  • Presence – historic and current presence including size of related business and number of enterprise customers
  • Total Cost of Ownership – the full cost of acquiring, implementing and operating the solution (typically over a 3 year period)
  • Future Trajectory – the impact of trends in the market, related to a vendor’s Performance and Potential

What is a Core Challenger, and how do they compare to Strategic Leaders?

Fosway identifies Strategic Leaders as well suited to complex enterprise-scale customers. And Core Challengers are rich potential solutions with solid performance who are challenging these market leaders.

In a nutshell, Fosway have identified Learn Amp as having:

  • A strong suite of solutions capabilities, rather than a niche/specialist offering
  • A good track record of customer advocacy
  • Good performance with enterprise customers, though with less market presence at enterprise-level
  • Less historic market presence – Learn Amp is smaller than the bigger players, but is growing and challenging them

Our platform has empowered customers including Specsavers ANZ, Metro Bank and Nous Group to deliver an amplified employee experience by combining Learning, Engagement and Talent Development tools in an all-in-one integrated suite.

CCO and Lead Solution Architect, Joe Hill-Wilson, said of the recognition:

“It’s great to see our position on the grid improving year-on-year. This is testament to our continuing growth and commitment to providing innovative learning solutions and world-class service to our customers.

Fosway consider market presence as a significant factor, and we are still growing and challenging the market. We are delighted by the increasing recognition of what we offer our customers.”

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But how can Fosway’s 9-Grid™ support you with your platform selection?

Investing in a new learning and development platform is a big step for your business and your employees, and analyst commentary such as Fosway’s 9-Grid™ can support your understanding of the marketplace.

As you need to make an informed judgement on what solution is the best fit for your organisation, you should also look at other helpful data points such as reviews from existing users on G2 and independent analyst rankings – such as Craig Weiss’ Top 10 Learning Systems.

But all of this commentary is only useful if you are confident in your requirements. How do you know if you need an enterprise-scale HCM platform, a solid high performing L&D suite that can grow with you, or a niche specialist platform?

Think of your selection process as a roadmap. Each checkpoint along the way is also an exit ramp for those vendors that aren’t meeting your requirements. By the time you reach your destination, the aim is that you’ll have the one vendor left that is the right fellow traveller for your business and your employees.

Ready for the first step in platform selection?

The first stage of your roadmap is identifying why you even need a new learning platform with an L&D health check.

Our Buyer's Guide to Selecting a New Learning and Development Platform is a step-by-step and stage-by-stage guide for selecting the right system for your business. It includes:

  • An L&D Health Check to determine if you even need a new learning platform
  • A checklist to work through to help identify your requirements and objectives before you go to market
  • A killer question bank to ask vendors
  • A tried and tested roadmap to selecting, getting sign-off for, and implementing your new learning system


Buyer's Guide to Selecting a New Learning and Development Platform

Follow this step-by-step and stage-by-stage guide to selecting and implementing the right Learning System for your business' success.

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