Alice Menhennet - Head of Customer Success

As a Customer Success Coach, Alice draws on her background in higher education to advise our customers on getting the best Learn Amp. Five years as a qualified teacher have given Alice an in-depth understanding of learning systems that support learner engagement and development. At Learn Amp, Alice excels at developing true partnerships to empower customers and applying L&D best practice to real-world business challenges.
Recent Posts
Designing an L&D strategy that drives performance
To design a learning strategy that drives improved performance and progression, it can help to...
15 minute read
How Learn Amp helped 'Will it Make the Boat Go Faster?' build a customer learning community
Will it Make the Boat Go Faster? are a leadership and performance consultancy. They were looking...
10 minute read
How to Make Compliance Part of a Great Employee Experience
TLDR; compliance training is only “uninspiring, forgettable or irrelevant” if that’s how it’s...
5 minute read
How Learn Amp Helps Small Learning Teams Do More with Less
From using Learn Amp as a Customer Education Platform, Learn Fox founder Laura Lee-Gibbs knows...
8 minute read
The secret to effective risk management? A great L&D team
An agile learning and development program is the key to effective risk management. Over the last...
5 minute read
To fix your compliance training, ask yourself these 10 questions
Compliance is growing in importance, and becoming a part of business as usual in all industries....
6 minute read
The secret to making compliance training engaging
As employees and companies adjust to the post-pandemic hybrid workplace, new risks are emerging....
5 minute read
4 ways that great knowledge management improves employee experience
The last two years have seen a sea change in how we work—and in how we want to work. With remote...
7 minute read
How to update your company's knowledge management for hybrid work
It seems almost trite at this stage to say that the world of work has changed. The last two years...
6 minute read