An overlooked aspect of your hiring process — references.

Companies spend hours longlisting, shortlisting, testing and interviewing candidates. But when it...
5 minute read

Why paying less can attract better talent

To attract the best talent, you don’t have to pay more. Offering meaningful work, interesting...
7 minute read

Why flat structures destroy employee retention

Flat structures sound great, but in practice they are bad for retention, efficiency and even...
6 minute read

A 6-step plan to transition to hybrid work

For many businesses, the time has come to make the transition to a hybrid working model. But the...
5 minute read

Hybrid work: Separating the facts from the fiction

The hybrid working model, where some employees are in the office and others work remotely, is seen...
3 minute read

Why heading back to the office is bad for business

With the lockdown easing, many business owners are asking themselves - should we all head back to...
4 minute read

What's in a name: HR Director or Head of People?

HR has had a makeover recently. The field now abounds with trendy job titles, from Chief Happiness...
5 minute read

Annual appraisals do more harm than good. Here’s what to do instead.

Annual appraisals really don’t work. Only 14% of employees strongly agree that their annual...
5 minute read

The hidden problems of flexible work and how to avoid them

Businesses have been forced to work remotely for most of the last 12 months. Now, with the...
29 minute read

Why unlimited holiday is a dangerous idea

Unlimited holiday sounds great - a tempting perk to attract great talent, and a way to show your...
5 minute read