4 ways to create a balanced L&D program

Times are changing. To keep up with the pace, businesses need to change too—and fast.
9 minute read

Why one password could be putting your business at risk

Each year, millions of businesses fall victim to cyber security attacks. October is Cyber Security...
6 minute read

4 ways great managers drive employee learning

Learning doesn’t happen in a vacuum. You'll find that employees are far more motivated to learn if...
5 minute read

How encouraging critical reflection can help your business

In this blog, Senior Customer Success Manager, Jane Berwick, reflects on her travels and considers...
4 minute read

How to improve knowledge management when you’re working remotely

Knowledge management is challenging at the best of times. Storing, sharing, and using the...
7 minute read

6 ways to supercharge your microlearning program

Trend Hunter identified microlearning as a key trend for 2020, but not all microlearning programs...
5 minute read

Addressing unconscious bias in the workplace

Everyone likes to assume they’re a rational and objective person, but just by nature of being human...
5 minute read

Learn Amp wins big at 2020 TIARA Talent Tech Star Awards

Learn Amp is proud to announce that it has been named Learning Solution of the Year and Onboarding...
2 minute read

Sticks and stones: A glossary of inclusive words

When it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), actions speak louder than words[1]. But,...
16 minute read

“We’re all humans first”: Interview with Kay Fabella on remote DE&I

In this interview, we talk to Kay Fabella, a DEI consultant and visibility strategist for...
3 minute read