Why every new hire should spend a day with you before joining
Some businesses are reluctant to invite candidates to spend the day working with their prospective...
9 minute read
A step-by-step guide to implementing microlearning in your L&D strategy
Wondering how to implement microlearning in your L&D strategy? First of all, make sure that you’ve...
5 minute read
Choosing the perfect microlearning strategy for your organisation
When you're wondering how to choose a microlearning solution, you have to think about the bigger...
4 minute read
Judges call Learn Amp 'a platform that's raised the bar' at #LT20Awards
Throughout this difficult year we've continued working hard at Learn Amp to keep delivering our...
4 minute read
Discover how to deliver the best training sessions for your team
Digital tools come with heaps of benefits - like we've already explained - but we're not suggesting...
5 minute read
The best ways to teach your learners how to understand and manage risk
Compliance regulation has always played a critical role in most businesses, but it is increasingly...
2 minute read
Why you should be using a digital platform for compliance training
When employees hear whisper of mandatory compliance training, they groan. It's often a dull process...
6 minute read
Your compliance training is all wrong - here's how to fix it
One disappointing consequence of increased regulation has been the overstated emphasis on...
3 minute read
Your business needs a remote coaching programme - here's how to build one
Coaching programmes can be a powerful driver for business performance. However, for remote...
8 minute read
How to protect your business against phishing attacks
Each year, millions of businesses fall victim to cyber security attacks. October is Cyber Security...
6 minute read