Learning Pathways: The one technique to make them truly engaging
Every business needs to know how to come up with innovative solutions for problems. Without this...
4 minute read
Why back the past when you can buy into the future?
Playing safe used to mean running through a procurement process but, budgets allowing, going with...
1 minute read
Learning in the Google era
Today, we all have instant access to knowledge on our laptops or phones. Any question can be...
3 minute read
How we build a Learnlist: 5 evidence-based principles
Learnlists – what we call our learning modules – are effectively play lists of learning. They are...
3 minute read
Forget the LMS or LXP - upgrade to an Employee Experience Platform
We’ve written before on the importance of HR technology for business success (check out our...
3 minute read
How to make workplace learning addictive
For a decade now, since the crash, productivity of Western economies has been stagnating. That...
2 minute read
Do or die: why retailers need a great learning platform to survive – Part 2
In my last blog I discussed the difficulties UK retailers are facing and how a Wharton University...
2 minute read
Millennials: Are Their Training Needs Really So Unique?
As a learning and organisational development leader, I am regularly asked what opportunities I...
2 minute read