Stop Losing Talent Now: A Guide to Mastering Employee Retention with the right Learning Management System

Employee retention is critical for organisations aiming to maintain a stable and engaged workforce....
2 minute read

From Cookie-Cutter to Customised: How Personalisation is Transforming Learning

In the fast-paced digital era, the one-size-fits-all approach to learning is becoming obsolete....
3 minute read

Why companies should lean into reskilling and upskilling – lessons from Talent to Sales

Reskilling an upskilling are always being discussed in companies, especially recently, but what...
5 minute read

Improving Employee Experience to Drive Growth - Takeaways from the L&D Community

This week I attended the People Power Summit – a focused and impactful event. The roster was filled...
6 minute read

A launch comms strategy is essential for high adoption and continued engagement with your new learning platform

A well-considered communications strategy can have a huge impact on the initialadoption your...
8 minute read

Nurturing Employee Growth in a Shifting Landscape: Has the conventional career ladder been left behind for horizontal skills development?

This Summer I had the opportunity to attend a series of breakfast round tables for L&D and HR...
7 minute read

Employee Experience and Employee Engagement: what's the difference?

Employee experience and engagement are frequently used synonymously and incorrectly, but they are...
9 minute read

Insights from World of Learning 2023

Earlier this weekI was in Birmingham, on stand and exhibiting at the World of Learning conference....
7 minute read

Exploring the World of Learning: Highlights from the 2023 Conference

The World of Learning Conference, held at the Birmingham NEC on the 10th and 11th of October,...
9 minute read

Designing an L&D strategy that drives performance

To design a learning strategy that drives improved performance and progression, it can help to...
15 minute read