Learn Amp is this year’s #1 Learning System according to Craig Weiss’ FindAnLMS

Learn Amp has been named the Number 1 Learning System by the Craig Weiss Group’s FindAnLMS Top 20...
2 minute read

A launch comms strategy is essential for high adoption and continued engagement with your new learning platform

A well-considered communications strategy can have a huge impact on the initialadoption your...
8 minute read

Employee Experience and Employee Engagement: what's the difference?

Employee experience and engagement are frequently used synonymously and incorrectly, but they are...
9 minute read

How Learn Amp helped 'Will it Make the Boat Go Faster?' build a customer learning community

Will it Make the Boat Go Faster? are a leadership and performance consultancy. They were looking...
10 minute read

Do you need a new learning platform?

Does your company really need a new learning platform? Take the L&D health check to find out.
6 minute read

Should you build or buy a Learning Management System?

So, you’ve decided your company needs a new learning management system (LMS). Whether you're tech...
11 minute read

Craig Weiss Reviews What Makes Learn Amp So Special

With so many learning systems on the market, it can be difficult for any specific vendor to set...
2 minute read

How to use the Fosway 9-Grid™ when selecting your new Learning System

Learn Amp has been named an accelerating 'Core Challenger' by Fosway Group in 2025, following its...
4 minute read

Why LMS should be first in your new HR tech stack

Getting your new learning management system in place first can help the roll-out of the rest of...
12 minute read

Why Learn Amp strikes the perfect balance between best-of-breed L&D platforms and all-in-one ERPs

CIOs and CTOs are keen to consolidate their systems. At the same time, they want to make sure that...
12 minute read
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